7 Series FPGAs 의 GTX/GTH 를 사용하지 않을 경우, GTX/GTH 관련 Pin 들은 어떻게 처리하여야 하나요?
7 Series FPGAs 의 GTX/GTH 를 사용하지 않을 경우, GTX/GTH 관련 Pin 들은 어떻게 처리하여야 하나요?
"7 Series FPGAs 를 사용할 경우 GTX/GTH 를 사용하지 않을 경우에 GTX/GTH 관련 Pin 들을 어떻게 하여야 하나요?" 라는 개발자분들이 문의를 많이 받습니다.
먼저 7 Series FPGAs 의 GTX/GTH 관련 Guide 문서를 보아야 해요.아래 링크는 7 Series FPGAs GTX/GTH User Guide 문서랍니다.
UG476 (v1.12) - 7 Series FPGAs GTX/GTH Transceivers User Guide
위 문서의 316 페이지의 Table 5-7: GTX/GTH PCB Design Checklist 를 자~알 살펴보면 사용하지 않을 경우에 어떻게 하는지에 대한 각 Pin 별 설명이 있어요.
Table 7-5: GTX/GTH PCB Design Checklist |
Table 7-5: GTH PCB Design Checklist 에서 GTX/GTH 를 사용하지 않을 경우에 어떻게 하는지에 대한 설명을 정리하면 다음과 같아요.- MGTREFCLK0P, MGTREFCLK0N
- If reference clock input is not used, leave the associated pin pair unconnected.
- If reference clock input is not used, leave the associated pin pair unconnected.
- If a receiver is not used and not biased, connect the associated pin pair to ground. If the receiver is not used but biased, leave the pin pair unconnected.
- If a receiver is not used and not biased, connect the associated pin pair to ground. If the receiver is not used but biased, leave the pin pair unconnected.
- If a receiver is not used and not biased, connect the associated pin pair to ground. If the receiver is not used but biased, leave the pin pair unconnected.
- If a receiver is not used and not biased, connect the associated pin pair to ground. If the receiver is not used but biased, leave the pin pair unconnected.
- If a transmitter is not used, leave the associated pin pair unconnected.
- If a transmitter is not used, leave the associated pin pair unconnected.
- If a transmitter is not used, leave the associated pin pair unconnected.
- If a transmitter is not used, leave the associated pin pair unconnected.
- If all of the Quads in a power supply group are not used, the associated power pins can be left unconnected or tied to ground (unless the RCAL circuit is in that Quad).
- If all of the Quads in a power supply group are not used, the associated power pins can be left unconnected or tied to ground (unless the RCAL circuit is in that Quad).
- If all of the Quads in a power supply group are not used, the associated pins can be left unconnected or tied to ground (unless the RCAL circuit is in that Quad).
- If all of the Quads are not used, connect the associated pin pair to ground.
- If all of the Quads are not used, connect the associated pin pair to ground.
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